###Blendshape testing with my own custom models :)
Ludam Dare 36: Crystal Exploits
This was made for Ludam Dare 36 (A GameJam where you make a game based on a theme in 48-72 hours). The theme was “Ancient Technology”. The idea behind the game was to pickup the crystal and put them on the pedestals to move the platforms. Each crystal effected a platform in different ways and the player had to make it towards the end of the level to beat it. I ran out of time and didn’t give myself enough time to finish this beauty. Level Design was 5% of the whole process.
This was my first entry to Ludum and of course like a newbie I did not finish it quickly enough in the 72 hours I was provided. But guess what, who cares! It was an amazing experience to go through and I had a blast going running agaist that clock. Hopefully in the future I can take this experience and improve myself.
Timelapse: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJwxWaAJ-gY
Game: http://ludumdare.com/compo/ludum-dare-36/?action=preview&uid=113497